Virtual Congress Video & FAQ

Virtual Congress Video & FAQ

With our virtual platform, it’s possible for both exhibitors and attendees to be everywhere!

Experience our Virtual Conference Platform now.

Virtual Meeting FAQ

Please see below the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the AD/PD 2021 Virtual Conference.


The Virtual Platform will be live during the Congress dates. After the Conference dates, all content is available for an additional 3 months for all registered participants.

By clicking here, sponsors and exhibitors, are able to register for the Virtual Platform.

No, this is not Kenes’ first Virtual Conference. More information about our previous Virtual Conferences can be found here.

Yes, Exhibitors will receive their login details to the Virtual Platform from our Exhibition Manager in advance.


Visitors to the Virtual Platform are able to access the Exhibition through the Lobby – by clicking on the Exhibition.

Participants can search for Exhibitors by going through the exhibitor list, or via the exhibitor carousel.

Our Exhibition Manager will supply Exhibitors with the dimension of the screens. This will be based on the selected booth design. Exhibitors will receive instruction letters in order to submit their material (either logo, adverts, videos or images). Additional material will be uploaded on the respective tabs. Furthermore, Exhibitors are able to customize their hyperlink bar by directing it to their company/product page.

Our Exhibition Manager will upload all the materials for you and send a mock up when available.

As we offer a variation of different booth designs, the amount of material will depend on which template is selected. Exhibitors are offered the possibility to add more documents, videos or hyperlinks then initially entitled to, based on their booth design. This will come with additional costs. Please contact the ILS department for more information.

The sizes of screens, as well as the specification of the materials for the booth, will be shared by our Exhibition Manager.

The deadlines will be shared on the Conference Website.

Yes, visitors have the ability to view and save documents in their Virtual Briefcase. If preferred, they can even send it to their email address.

Participants can get in touch as soon as they visit the booth. There is the option to click on the “Contact Us” tab and send an email with their question, or they can engage in the exhibitor’s group chat, or start a 1:1 chat with the Exhibitor. This can be done via text, audio or video call.

Exhibitors have the ability to see the participants who are live at their booth and have the option to actively start a conversation via text, audio or video call. Exhibitors are also able to interact with participants in their group chat.

At the end of the Virtual Conference, statistics and metrics reports will be shared. This will include the first and last name of the participant and country. If given consent by participants, we could share more details, such as contact details.

Exhibitors can also retrieve leads by approaching visitors of their booth.

Exhibitors are asked to be online during the official Conference hours. However, Exhibitors can extend their online presence outside the official time in order to cover multiple time zones.


Participants can access the sponsored session via the Lobby, by clicking on ‘Satellite Symposia’ or ‘Product Theatre’, depending on the session.

Your session can be live streamed or pre-recorded. For both options, we will offer you live Q&A.

Kenes will pre-record the sessions with the speakers. The Industry Coordinator will contact each speaker and send them the instructions for the pre-recording and different time slots that they will be able to choose from. If a session has more than one speaker, we will take each time zone into consideration when contacting each speaker.

The session will then be recorded by Kenes, and after one week of editing, it will be shared with the sponsor.

Yes, a live session will be recorded as it is taking place. It will then be made available to be viewed on demand on the platform 3 hours later.

Yes, the company will receive the pre-recorded session before the Congress, one week after it’s recorded with the speakers. And, as for the live session, they will receive after the Conference.

Live Q&A will be available and can be included in the session. Sponsors will also be able to add brochures or flyers in the Handout section of their session to be shared with participants.

Additionally, voting and evaluation features can also be embeded in the session. If you would like to receive more information, please contact me.

The live Q&A will start once your pre-recorded session has ended. The speakers and moderator will join live and Kenes will stream it and assist with anything needed.


Live notifications will pop-up on the right bottom corner of the platform.

All exhibitors will have a chat room associated to their booth. Additionally, sponsors and exhibitors can add more chat rooms to their sponsorship package that they can use for different topics.

There is no limit for the number of people that can join a chat room.

All participants, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors can join any chat room at any time, an invite is not needed.

The chat room will be available throughout the Conference dates, after that it will be closed. However, during the 3 months that the platform is live, participants can still contact companies by clicking on the ‘Submit an inquiry’ hyperlink on their booth.

There are two ways for a participant to join a company’s chat room:

  • Booth – Participants can join a company’s group chat through the exhibitor’s booth by clicking on the ‘Who is online’ hyperlink in the booth. By clicking they will automatically be in the compay’s chat room.
  • Networking Lounge – Participants can also join a company’s group chat throught the Networking Lounge. When accessing this lounge, they will be able to see a list of all the available chat rooms in alphabetical order. Participants can scroll down and find the company’s chat room. Please note that in the Networking Lounge there will be several chat rooms available, not only from companies but also created by the Congress Organisers with different educational topics.

Yes, companies will be able to see the names of the participants that are online in their chat room, as well as participants will be able to see who is online from the company’s side.

Exhibitors can chat with attendees in the group chat, or they can click on the name of the participant and start a private conversation, that can be via text, audio or video.

The messages in the group chat are not private, anyone that is registered to the Congress can join in and see what was discussed. However, the 1:1 messages are private.

Messages in the group chat can’t be deleted or moderated.


Yes, the e-posters will be available since the first day of the Conference in the E-poster section. There will be two types of e-posters:

  • Read only e-posters – The abstract will be available for read only, but participants can send questions via chat to the author.
  • Read & Listen e-posters – The abstract will be available for read and there will be an audio file linked to the e-poster with a presentation from the author. Participants will also be able to send questions via chat to the author.

E-poster presenters will be contacted by the Scientific Programme Coordinator to record their audio presentation at least one month before the Conference.

An e-poster presenter should be online during the Conference hours to reply to any questions that come via chat. If any questions are asked after Conference hours, when logging in the next day, presenters will be able to see them and reply. All questions and answers are public, so everyone who is registered in the Conference will be able to see the chat.


All sponsors and exhibitors will receive, at the end of the Conference, general statistics with information about:

  • Number of registered participants
  • Online users per day
  • Attendee profile
  • Industry engagement at a glance.


Each exhibitor and sponsor will also receive tailored statistics for their booth and sessions, with the following information:

  • Number of participants that visited their booth/ joined their session
  • Number of participants that interacted via chat with exhibitors and/or via live Q&A during a session
  • Number of participants that viewed each document or video in the exhibitor’s booth
  • Name and country of all participants
  • Contact details will only be shared when a participant agreed to do so, at the time of registration.

The statistics report will be shared a few days after the Conference and also at the end of the 3 months that the virtual platform is live.

Within the virtual event platform healthcare professionals authorized to prescribe prescription medicines will be recognized with a letter P (Prescriber) indicated after their names.

All exhibitors (booth admins) will be recognized with a letter E (Exhibitor) indicated after their names.

In a virtual Congress, a company has to follow the regulations from the country where the Conference received more registered participants on the previous edition.

Yes, there will be a clear separation between the Educational and the Sponsored Sessions in the lobby of the Conference.


Yes, during Conference hours there will be support from our IT team, via chat or via email, to participants, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors.

The deadlines and specs will be shared on the Conference website TBA months before the start of the Conference.

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for pricing, bookings and customized packages.

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