Donanemab Slows Progression of AD in Phase 2 Trial

Donanemab, an antibody targeting a modified form of Aβ called N3pG, showed significant slowing of decline in a composite measure of cognition and daily function in patients with early symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease compared to placebo in results from Phase 2 TRAILBLAZER-ALZ study. On average, patients who received donanemab showed an 84 centiloid reduction of amyloid plaque at 76 weeks. In the donanemab treatment group, amyloid-related imaging abnormalities – edema (ARIA-E) occurred in 27% of treated participants.
The full results of the TRAILBLAZER-ALZ study were presented for the first time at AD/PD™ 2021 during the symposium “ABETA TARGETING THERAPIES IN AD” on March 13. The on-demand symposium is available now to all registered participants.
Read the full abstract in the AD/PD™ 2021 interactive scientific program.