Renowned for the Program

The AD/PD™ conference offers a high quality scientific
program covering the most recent research, clinical trials,
developments, and treatments in Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s, with emphasis on overlaps and congruent
results among AD. This provides participants with
unparalleled and powerful insights into distinct
neurodegenerative diseases in one setting to examine
their similarities and differences.

Top Speakers in the Field

Science and education are the main forces behind AD/PD™
conferences and participants agree that the quality of the
content and the educational value are what set it apart from
other events in the field. In the 2019 CME Participant
evaluation form 96% state that the event contributed to
their professional development, while almost 97% agree
that the quality of the speakers was excellent.
Click here to hear from our speakers!

AD/PD™ in Numbers

A unique conference that provides a world class
platform for clinical investigators and basic scientists
to present, discuss and trade expertise on a broad range
of themes and topics, AD/PD™ has gone from strength to
strength attracting over 3,800 participants from 75
countries and over 2,200 abstracts.

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